Produced in 2013 – Duration 51′ 10″
If you click on The Films you can find the trilogy cut in short video clips. If you prefer you can watch it whole here.
English subtitles
For Spanish subtitles click here
I watched both “La vie en rose” and “Someone to love” and from the first impression I really liked “Someone to love” because it was feeling like an honest autobiographical documentary to me and I was learning alot of things about your life. “La vie en rose” – as I understood it – is about your hope to find a partner through the means of art. I could not really relate to this, so that is maybe why I liked your other film more than this one. But I wrote down all the things which came to my mind when I was watching “La vie en rose”. I hope my notes are not too confusing! 🙂 And as you wished I am very open and honest. I hope my feedback does not offend you in any way.
00:35 I don’t like the bullfight, I am really feeling pity for the bulls that are killed by those brutal men. And I don’t like people visiting those shows. I don’t know whether you have visited the show or whether it is found footage. But I don’t understand the purpose of this scene in the film.
03:22 It is strange to see you naked because I am not used to see the parents of my schoolmates like this. Actually I don’t even remember when I saw my own mother naked.
05:19 I cannot relate to your situation that you didn’t want a lover to stay independent. As I understand and practice the concept of love, it doesn’t mean that you are ‘depending’ on someone. For me loving a person means supporting him or her but I can remain independent at the same time.
06:49 My attention is drawn to your teeth. It looks like some of your teeth are artificial ones and I wonder why you have them.
07:00 It is interesting how you can talk about your feelings so open on the internet to anyone. For me it is hard to talk about my feelings and if I do so, I speak to someone who is a close friend. It would be strange for me to explain my feelings in front of a camera.
08:28 I am asking myself why you are crying on the beach. In the workshop I have experienced that you can show your feelings all of a sudden when you gave me an example. I am wondering whether the situation on the beach is staged for the camera because it is important for the film?!
09:53 I would like to know who filmed the scenes when you are leaving the beach and walking on the streets. Because there is a panning of the camera, it needs to be someone else. But in the credits I cannot find the name of the cameraperson.
10:11 “Deep inside I am still convinced that men are stronger” I do not agree with this opinion, because it just reproduces the stereotypes in our society that men are the strong ones and women are the weak ones. But strength does not have something to do with the (constructed) gender identity.
11:01 I feel embarrassed that you talk openly about your lack of an orgasm. I feel like this is something personal to discuss with the person you are sleeping with. But because you are addressing your potential partner I can understand your choice to make it transparent.
12:27 I can relate to your aspiration to be a famous artist. I also want to live my life to make a difference. I don’t want to end just as a bunch of dead, white bones.
18:27 While you are baking you are asking your cameraperson: “You want to make a detail on the hands?” I am curious who you are talking to and I like it that you have included this comment in the film so that it makes the process of filming transparent.
19:35 Your smile is really nice and you seem very sympathetic to me in this scene. I also like the slow motion and the way your face is changing slowly by slowly.
25:40 Your facial expression reminds me of the torturing scene in “V for Vendetta”, where Nathalie Portman’s hair is shaved and she is also crying in front of the camera:
31:23 You are saying that you feel sexless and more like a father who you see as a stronger person than a mother. But those gender role clichés need to be questioned. So why don’t you feel strong like a mother… or even better: like a human being…?
35:55 It is a beautiful shot scene with Diana. I really like it.
43:27 I am wondering who are those monks in the scene. And why are the kneeling on your right and on your left. To me they look like decoration while you have the active part in the middle. What was the reason you have included them? Are they your friends or participants of a self-portrait-workshop? I feel like I would like to know more about them.
Overall comment: This film “La vie en rose” is about you. I respect that but I cannot imagine to make such a film about myself. I think less about myself and my life compared to you and maybe my life was just too smooth and easy to be interesting for a film. I like to hide myself behind the camera and point the camera at someone else, not me.
I wish you all the best in finding your partner. But in the end maybe there is not just one person to find in life. Maybe there are different people who are important during different times in life.
This comment was sent to me by a young man:
I watched both “La vie en rose” and “Someone to love” and from the first impression I really liked “Someone to love” because it was feeling like an honest autobiographical documentary to me and I was learning alot of things about your life. “La vie en rose” – as I understood it – is about your hope to find a partner through the means of art. I could not really relate to this, so that is maybe why I liked your other film more than this one. But I wrote down all the things which came to my mind when I was watching “La vie en rose”. I hope my notes are not too confusing! 🙂 And as you wished I am very open and honest. I hope my feedback does not offend you in any way.
00:35 I don’t like the bullfight, I am really feeling pity for the bulls that are killed by those brutal men. And I don’t like people visiting those shows. I don’t know whether you have visited the show or whether it is found footage. But I don’t understand the purpose of this scene in the film.
03:22 It is strange to see you naked because I am not used to see the parents of my schoolmates like this. Actually I don’t even remember when I saw my own mother naked.
05:19 I cannot relate to your situation that you didn’t want a lover to stay independent. As I understand and practice the concept of love, it doesn’t mean that you are ‘depending’ on someone. For me loving a person means supporting him or her but I can remain independent at the same time.
06:49 My attention is drawn to your teeth. It looks like some of your teeth are artificial ones and I wonder why you have them.
07:00 It is interesting how you can talk about your feelings so open on the internet to anyone. For me it is hard to talk about my feelings and if I do so, I speak to someone who is a close friend. It would be strange for me to explain my feelings in front of a camera.
08:28 I am asking myself why you are crying on the beach. In the workshop I have experienced that you can show your feelings all of a sudden when you gave me an example. I am wondering whether the situation on the beach is staged for the camera because it is important for the film?!
09:53 I would like to know who filmed the scenes when you are leaving the beach and walking on the streets. Because there is a panning of the camera, it needs to be someone else. But in the credits I cannot find the name of the cameraperson.
10:11 “Deep inside I am still convinced that men are stronger” I do not agree with this opinion, because it just reproduces the stereotypes in our society that men are the strong ones and women are the weak ones. But strength does not have something to do with the (constructed) gender identity.
11:01 I feel embarrassed that you talk openly about your lack of an orgasm. I feel like this is something personal to discuss with the person you are sleeping with. But because you are addressing your potential partner I can understand your choice to make it transparent.
12:27 I can relate to your aspiration to be a famous artist. I also want to live my life to make a difference. I don’t want to end just as a bunch of dead, white bones.
18:27 While you are baking you are asking your cameraperson: “You want to make a detail on the hands?” I am curious who you are talking to and I like it that you have included this comment in the film so that it makes the process of filming transparent.
19:35 Your smile is really nice and you seem very sympathetic to me in this scene. I also like the slow motion and the way your face is changing slowly by slowly.
25:40 Your facial expression reminds me of the torturing scene in “V for Vendetta”, where Nathalie Portman’s hair is shaved and she is also crying in front of the camera:
31:23 You are saying that you feel sexless and more like a father who you see as a stronger person than a mother. But those gender role clichés need to be questioned. So why don’t you feel strong like a mother… or even better: like a human being…?
35:55 It is a beautiful shot scene with Diana. I really like it.
43:27 I am wondering who are those monks in the scene. And why are the kneeling on your right and on your left. To me they look like decoration while you have the active part in the middle. What was the reason you have included them? Are they your friends or participants of a self-portrait-workshop? I feel like I would like to know more about them.
Overall comment: This film “La vie en rose” is about you. I respect that but I cannot imagine to make such a film about myself. I think less about myself and my life compared to you and maybe my life was just too smooth and easy to be interesting for a film. I like to hide myself behind the camera and point the camera at someone else, not me.
I wish you all the best in finding your partner. But in the end maybe there is not just one person to find in life. Maybe there are different people who are important during different times in life.